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Courses and Tutorials on BIM

BIM Workflow With Building Design Suite

Live Webcast - BIM Workflow With Building Design Suite

IMAGINiT Technologies is offering a one-hour webcast focusing on the complete range of tools obtainable in the Autodesk Building Design Suite and how these softwares can be applied to generate a BIM workflow.

Learn to utilize your software to the full extent covering key aspects of projects and ways to progress them:-

Conceptual – How to efficiently produce, evaluate, handle and document design intent facilitating quick approvals, alterations, and a superior design solutions.

Design Development – Leverage a single BIM solution to generate, explore, manage and document a single or numerous projects expanding the application of past experiences, data and solutions.

Design Documentation – Reduce coordination and construction inconsistencies prior to commencing of the construction through complete and coordinated drawings/data. Formation of divergence analysis will help team members to have an ideal regarding proper conditions in the field before a contractor starts his work.

Coordination/Management – Well-organized and effectual workflows and tools bring huge benefits to all team members to access and perform with existing design and construction data/visualizations. Through process and technology, in-house and outside design and construction consultants can manage, create, and distribute current data/visualizations.