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An improved version of SpecLink-E is released to link construction specifications directly to BIM

Now it is possible to synchronize specifications with BIM by linking construction specifications directly to BIM.


Atlanta based Building Systems Design Inc (BSD), first time introduced an improved BSD LinkMan-E software product that can be applied to coordinate specifications through a model generated in Revit.


SpecLink-E is an automated specification writing product that illustrates correlations and inconsistencies amid information in Revit and the subsequent specifications text in SpecLink-E through two new completely reconstructed dashboards.

A project manager can review and coordinate with the help of an interoperability tool that provides data from Revit and SpecLink BSD LinkMan-E. The two new dashboard views that match the data from the two applications can be disrupted. Thus, they easily demonstrate divergencies, and any omitted information in the specifications are automatically turned on in SpecLink from inside the LinkMan program.


As BSD has pre-linked many Revit components to SpecLink-E, the users normally generate their own Revit libraries of objects ranging from wall and door types, which necessitate the formation of links inside LinkMan-E to link them to the specifications. Now, Revit users will be able to relate any of BSD's 1,700 pre-linked materials to their customized building elements inside the Revit software, devoid of opening the LinkMan program at all. With the most updated edition of LinkMan-E set up, any Revit objects containing these materials utilized will become visible in LinkMan-E already connected to SpecLink-E.


An improved version of SpecLink-E is released to link construction specifications directly to BIM