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5 Steps for Government Organizations to Adopt Building Information Modeling

Building information modeling (BIM) is sufficient as a reason for many AEC professionals simply because it saves them money. As well as offering other benefits, BIM also allows for the simulation of different construction or infrastructure scenarios to see how they affect future structural performance. BIM also reduces costly changes in the future by resolving conflicts early on. The benefits of the program are also many.

Even though BIM has many advantages, it is still faced with challenges ten years after it began. Last year, BIM users reported on data about a lack of understanding of BIM, resistance to change, and perceived costs of software upgrades.

As for how to adopt BIM there is no right or wrong way to do so. BIM is either held back or over planned in many organizations that could benefit from it. However, based on discussions with customers, Autodesk has come up with five common steps that help accelerate the process and reduce the disruption with change.

1. BIM 101

A member of your team or two within your organization should gain knowledge of BIM and its implications. BIM processes should emphasize rather than just software or preconceptions that it is only about 3D visualization.

Discuss BIM with peers who have experience with it. As you move to BIM, you might ask them how it's affected their workflows, what surprised them, and where they see the biggest benefits.

2. Keep your people informed of the changes

You must understand BIM is not a choice or something you're experimenting with. Your mission and future are at stake if you don't move to BIM from the top.

If you want your team to see beyond the mandate, you need to show them the value. Consider the role BIM can play in speeding up critical tasks, improving collaboration, facilitating reusable data, & much more.

3. Consider Software & Hardware Requirements

Building information modeling is a process, not software. In this sense, BIM requires more than one software solution to implement for a complete BIM process. In order for BIM to be useful, rapid concept creation applications must have a connection to existing conditions. BIM applications also require powerful hardware.

4. Your Shifting Plan

You can apply these steps to managing change at your organization, but you need to develop your general strategy based on your type of work and typical projects. The BIM process will change your team's workflows, so you'll need to train them about it. A list of questions and issues that teams may be encounter during the complex projects in BIM.

Our recommendation is to appoint a BIM champion or champions who will have substantial training and serve as resources for the entire team.

5. Standard Documentation

Each object within a BIM model is intelligent, including information about itself and how it relates to other objects. That makes design standards essential. BIM standards specify what an object knows about itself and are essential to all BIM processes.

You can accelerate the process if you are not daunted. BIM standards are available in existing libraries. Then your BIM champions can modify and adapt those standards to meet your needs.

Wrapping it Up

Building information modeling contains information about the design of a building, its construction, and its ongoing maintenance. BIM is not just about a major technological shift but about rethinking the entire design process since the database.

To get online demonstration, watch the following video tutorial.

Video Source: Geospatial World

The sharing of information is as crucial as the model itself. When computers replaced paper drawings 20 years ago, the transition from CAD to BIM was much larger. Rather than transforming how project teams work, that merely automated the process.

Despite its ambitious target, the government does acknowledge there are several stages to reach it. Team members can share models through an integrated, open BIM hub on a web-based basis. That is still a long way off, as there are still several technical hurdles to clear. You & your team can use separate disciplines to develop their models but share all project data electronically in a common environment.

5 Steps for Government Organizations to Adopt Building Information Modeling