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Concept about the Level of Development in BIM

The level of development is the industry standard in BIM technology which helps to define the reliability and detailing of the elements of the BIM models at various project stages. The level of development in BIM helps to represent the completeness of the BIM models with the help of a numerical lexicon. This helps to improve 3D models as well as helps to foster understanding among the shareholders.

BIM level of development

Thus, the level of development helps to ensure that there is effective communication across different disciplines. In addition, this helps to set expectations for detailing and accuracy throughout the entire design and construction procedure.

Concept about the level of detail in BIM

The level of detail refers to the amount of information regarding the building which has been needed to be placed in the BIM model. In the level of detail in the BIM software, graphical objects of the buildings, the physical characteristics as well as the data associated with the building objects have been included. The level of detail is the framework which has been used for specifying the development of the BIM models, as well as this feature, helps to improve the communication and coordination among the project team members.


Learn different levels of development in BIM

There are six levels of development in BIM which are as follows:

LOD 100: The conceptual design stage

In this level of development, the conceptual model including the height, the area of construction, volume, and location has been determined. In this stage:

➢ The construction site has been analysed and monitored.
➢ The 3D models have been created preliminary.
➢ The conceptual design has been visualized.

LOD 200: The Schematic design

At this level of development, the elements of the construction have been modelled along with appropriate sizes, shapes, locations and quantities. In addition, the non-geometric information has been embedded. In this stage:

➢ The 3D modelling has been done.
➢ The development of the conceptual design has been done.
➢ The building energy has been analysed initially.
➢ The cost has been estimated preliminarily.

LOD 300: The design development process

In this level of development, the accurate modelling process has been done in which the building elements have been defined along with more precise sizes, shapes, quantities and specific assemblies. At this level, all non-geometric information is also embedded. In this design development process:

➢ The detailed 3D modelling of the components of the building has been done.
➢ The placement and sizing of the building components have been also done more accurately.
➢ The coordination among the trades and the detection of trades is also done.

LOD 350: The construction documentation process

This level of development process includes detailed elements which help to represent the process of how the building elements interface with different types of building systems. Clear graphics and written definitions have been also provided by this level of development. In this construction documentation process:

➢ The 3D models along with specific products and materials have been provided.
➢ The multiple disciplines have been coordinated.
➢ The construction documents have been generated.
➢ The fabrication and assembly have been done more accurately.
➢ The construction sequencing process has been completed.

LOD 400: The fabrication and assembly process

At this level of the development stage, the design model has been represented as the specific assemblies. In this stage:

➢ The 3D models have been built for the offsite fabrication process.
➢ The manufacturing process has been integrated.
➢ The component-level information has been developed which helps to fabricate the building components.
➢ In addition, the planning for the pre-fabrication and construction process is also done.

LOD 500: The As-built process

In this stage, the design elements have been modelled as the constructed assemblies. In this as-built process

➢ The as-built possess has been built to reflect the actual construction process.
➢ Detailed information about the components and systems has been generated.
➢ The lifecycle analysis of the building has been performed. In addition, the planning for building maintenance has been done.
➢ The building performance has been analysed.

Learn about the effectiveness of different levels of development specifications in BIM software

BIM software

A lot of benefits have been offered by the level of development which helps to increase the data exchange process, the accuracy of models and the collaboration throughout the entire BIM-driven project phases.

Optimising the resource allocation process

The level of development helps to detailed models as well as the level of development helps to simpler models thus helping to optimise the time and costs of the construction process.

Reducing the chances of risks

The level of development also helps to identify the potential issues in the meantime of the design phase. The chances of risks have been mitigated by the level of development thus helping to reduce the chances of rework and reducing the overall cost of the construction project.

Standardised framework

A standardised framework has been provided by the level of development which helps to understand the granularity and reliability of the elements of the BIM models at the different project stages.

To get online demonstration, watch the following video tutorial.

Video Source: Balkan Architect

Facility management

The level of development also influences the facility management process thus helping to provide the actual as-built information that influences the future modification in the construction process.


The level of development also helps to ensure that the construction document helps to reflect the design intent more properly. This also helps to reduce the chances of errors in the project plans thus helping to achieve smoother construction procedures.

Concept about the level of development in BIM