This is the process that how you can share a 3D PDF from Revit securely.
3DPDF for Revit permits easy sharing and archiving of Autodesk Revit design and construction data with everyone, anywhere with the free Adobe Reader. Easily create and share interactive 3D documents allowing everyone from clients, to sub-contractors, building owners, and beyond to participate in the building information modeling process (BIM). Share design information without putting your source model at risk or requiring recipients to download viewer applications.
The free Adobe Reader is installed on 98% of desktops worldwide so it's easy to share all design data in the universal 3DPDF format. With up to 97% smaller files than the original 3D model, you can easily conduct design reviews electronically.
Engage a design, and better communicate with clients. The creative and intelligent evolution of both the design process and the craft of architecture are guided through the delivery of our PDF's. This depth of our engagement with clients, users and stakeholders generates sophisticated responses to a unique arrangement.
3D PDF offers insight and expertise... gained by producing professionally recognized projects, ensuring efficient and elegant buildings attuned to their own unique perspective 3DA Systems continually reappraise our practices to develop new strategies that promote 3D PDF for BIM that endorses responsibility, and good management.
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